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Friday, 4 July 2014

Fundamental Topics of Magic

Fundamental Topics in the Study of Magic
Because the study of magic is such a vast area of study, we break it down into seven separate areas of study for your convenience. Each of these areas is discussed in further detail in later sections.
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The Four Elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
There are many paths to developing magical and shamanic abilities. At the foundation of all these paths, though, is an understanding of the four elements of magic: air, fire, water and earth. One of the basic tenets of magical studies is that everything in this Universe is made up of some combination of these four elements, and if you understand and know how to work with these elements, you can understand (and create) anything you desire.
That's why four element magic is the first area of study for our apprentices - it is at the heart of everything in the Universe, including magical powers and abilities. For instance, you can develop clairvoyance and telepathy, which is access to knowledge not available to the five senses, by developing and working with your water element. Water, being the language of Spirit, allows you to access almost any information (or emotions) at a Spiritual level. Another ability, levitation, is the result of increasing your air element and decreasing your earth element. And telekinesis is the ability to channel your fire energy toward a specific object. For instance, we teach our students to begin using their telekinetic ability by throwing firebolts at a candle flame. They know they have begun to develop that ability when they can make the flame jump and split by pointing their finger at it.
Beyond the development of these psychic or magical abilities, however, the four elements help us develop and follow our birth visions, listen to our Spirit guidance, and generally live more creative and peaceful lives. By understanding the basic "makeup" and laws that drive our Universe, we can learn to go with the flow rather than swim upstream. This is the true benefit of four element magic.
Is the development of magical abilities great fun? Absolutely! It's useful, too, for self-defense, personal power and more. But it's also the beginning of a deep understanding of the driving forces of life. It's a strong first step onto the path of direct knowledge and spiritual scientism.
When the shamans were kicked out of the tribe centuries ago, the world lost access to such direct knowledge. Now we need the shamans more than ever, and we invite you to step on this path by studying the four elements of magic!
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Hand Magic and Self Defense
As magicians, it's important to study the area of self-defense carefully since we have considerable power and force. The inappropriate use of that power and force can cause Universal backlash. We must be especially careful to control our tempers and not use our abilities reactively.
According to Western magical practice, "You have a right to be here and follow your own path so long as you hinder no one else in doing likewise." This foundational principle asserts our right to exist and follow our own path and by extension, our right to defend ourselves against those who might seek to prevent us from walking our path.
As you grow in magical ability, you will inevitably attract beings on different levels that seek to interfere with your path in some way. Writer Clarissa Estes, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves, so accurately states, "If you have beauty in your life, know that it will attract the dark as well as the light. Don't be surprised. Be prepared."
Here's a good rule of thumb to use when it comes to self-defense: "In cases of direct and violent personal harm you are entitled to defend yourself by any means available, provided you did nothing to encourage or provoke the attack."
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Basic Magical Tools
Firebowl, Wand, Athame, Chalice and Plate
Throughout history almost every spiritual, magical and religious system on earth has used the Firebowl (sometimes called a "thurible"). While it has primarily been used for cleansing and purification of areas, people and objects, the Firebowl can also be used as an aid to meditation or divination. To find out more about the how the Firebowl is used for magical purposes...
Learn more about the Firebowl
Learn more about our Firebowl ebook
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As Magicians, we use the Wand as an extension of our own energies. Contrary to much of the popular literature, the Wand is an Air tool and not a Fire tool, meaning it can handle only Air energies. Like the tools for the other three elements, the Wand magnifies our "reach" since it can handle more air energies than we can with our hands. The Wand is a great tool to start with since it can't do as much damage as other tools, such as the Athame (magical knife). The Wand allows beginners to practice many techniques that more advanced magicians would do barehanded, or with an Athame.
Magicians and shamans use the Wand for communication, healing and shielding. Unlike what is portrayed in Harry Potter movies, the Wand is only one of many magical tools, and can only handle air energies. Throwing lightning bolts or other types of fire energy through your Wand will cause it catch fire! To find out more about the Wand, how to make a Wand, how to store and protect your Wand, how to personalize your Wand so only you can use it, and how to use a Wand for magical and shamanic purposes.
Learn more about the Wand
Learn more about our Wand ebook
Order our Wand ebook
Like the other magical tools, we use the Athame to extend our own energies and magnify power. The Athame is the magical tool of the Fire element. Many of the magical procedures performed with the Wand in Harry Potter movies should actually be performed with the Athame, which easily handles all color bands of Fire energy.
The Athame is commonly used by magicians for firebolts, lightning bolts, shielding, healing, banishments and self defense. It is also used to create sacred space and full cast circles for ritual. Like other tools, your Athame should be "keyed" or personalized to your own energies, so that only you can use it. To find out how to select, key, store, protect and use your Athame for magical and shamanic purposes.
The Chalice is the tool of the Water element, and Water is the language of Spirit, so the Chalice could properly be said to be the tool of communication with Spirit. Magicians and shamans use the Chalice for scrying, divination, psychic communication, healing, creating sacred space, purification, ceremony, ritual and blessing.Unknown to most, the Chalice is also effective for self-defense against certain kinds of entities, and can be used with the Plate (the Earth element tool) for shielding and protection.
Like the other magical tools, your Chalice should be properly selected and keyed to your own energies. To find out how to select, key, store, protect and use your Chalice for magical and shamanic purposes.
The tool of the Earth element, the Plate is a magical tool commonly used for shielding, healing, protection and self-defense. Also known as the "pantacle," the Plate is a powerful healing tool, capable of knitting and healing broken bones in a matter of hours.
The Plate is often used in conjunction with other magical tools for protection and shielding, such as during Tarot readings, divination or scrying. The Plate can also protect and shield magical tools, such as Tarot decks and pendulums, when they are not in use.
To find out how to select, key, protect and use your Plate magically.

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